Pugs and Kisses

Murphy our pug is more like our first child than our pet. We have had him for eight years now and I can't imagine life without him. Even though he is a pain in the ass half the time.

I have wanted a pug for most of my life, I think ever since I saw Milo and Otis. So after I graduated college, Gabe got me the best present EVER! My pug, Murphy.  

Murphy has always been a very gentle dog. He also loves kid and babies, so I was never worried about him and the baby.  When we brought Georgia home, he was indifferent.  He liked her, but wasn't too interested.  He'd give her a sniff and a lick on the head and proceed to do what he does best, snore.  I had visions of the best little dog being the baby's protector, and watching her when I went in the other room and letting me know when she needed something.  Partly because our dog growing up did this, and partly because he does let me know when the cat wants inside and I don't hear him.  But, Murphy is still my shadow and has no interest in being a Nanny Dog.  Maybe I should have gotten him a bonnet so he would get the picture.

Since Georgia has gotten a little older she has become very interested in Murphy.  She watches him all the time and follows him with her eyes all over the house.  She has become very curious about Murphy and loves to "pet" him.  She more like, grabs his fur, but he likes it because someone is kind of scratching him.  We're trying to teach her "gentle" but it's still a little early for her to grasp the concept.  We were lucky enough to get some pictures of the two if them sitting together.  It's not easy because Murphy has rules.  "I can snuggle with anyone, anywhere, no matter how uncomfortable they are, but nobody can snuggle with me."  So in the 5 seconds he tolerated being close to Georgia, on our terms, I snapped some pictures.

I think Georgia is going to have a dog complex because the only dog she had really been around are pugs; because one of my best friends Rebecca also has a pug.  She suggested that her pug, Molly, and Murphy should get an apartment together. This sounds like a fabulous idea since they both bark at the WORST time and end up waking our babies. Also my parents' little dog we think is part pug.

Murphy bought Georgia a little "Welcome To The World" present before she was born.  He got her a little pug stuffed animal.  He has one, which is his baby.  He can't sleep with out it.  So now they both have one!

I am so glas that Georgia loves her pug!! She even has a onesie that says I love Murphy!!

And Murphy loves Goergia.  Now he loves kissing her since she is drooling all the time.

Pugs and Kisses!!


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