Unicorns & Rainbows

This summer has been a crazy one.  We have have had so much going on the last 2 months I can hardly keep up with myself.  We have been to 4 weddings,  4 bridal showers, a baby shower, a Giants game, day camping by the river and a birthday celebration at the beach.  But the summer has seemed to come to and end, and I feel like I can finally relax! At least for a little while. Because next are the holidays.

The summer has been been a lot of fun and a lot of work.  We have always had a somewhat spontanious life, and still try to, but now we just have a TON of crap to drag along wiht us.  At least I carry mine in a fancy bag. Yes, I carry baby crap, literally, around in a Kate Spade bag.
 Go ahead and judge, but it mekes me still feel fancy with spit up on my clothes and when I haven't showered in a few days.  I do have a neutral unisex bag too, which i love just as much, and Gabe doesn't look like he is carrying around a purse, so we are both happy.

Georgia is now almost 3 months old and the time has been flying by!  Probably because we have been so busy but it has been wonderful, most of the time.  I felt like i had the perfect baby for the first 2 months, she only cried when there was a problem, and just for a minute, she slept very well, almost all night just wakng up once, and the right back to sleep.  We then hit 2 months and I thought I had a changeling baby on my hands, minus the teeth.  She would scream for long periods at a time, couldn't be consoled, was waking up every 3 hours at night, not napping well, and all while it was 95+ degrees every day.  We were both miserable.
what we were dealing with for what seemed like forever

I thought I was going to loose my mind!  Plus when she was sleeping the dog was incredibly itchy because with the heat, came fleas.  Poor guy.  So I would be up all night scratching the dog or feeding the baby.  We found out it was just really bad gas bubbles and probably a small case of acid reflux.  Luckily  there is a solution that worked!  Little Tummies. I swear by it.  I now have my, almost, perfect baby back.  She is smiling and cooing and I love every second of it.

my happy little baby
Two and a half months of bliss...not quite. But it still has been great and so much fun.  But I am not going to lie and say it has been all unicorns and rainbows.  I have had my fair share of challenging  days.  I now feel like we have come back to "normal" at least our normal, and we are all so much happier.

Here are a few more picutes of our summer fun!


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